Friday, February 09, 2007

Studio loss / button space

Tonight we have invited our GP and his wife to dinner. I was really looking forward to it until I realised that unless I was going to serve three courses and coffee on trays infront of the TV I needed to dismantle my sewing room becuase I sew on the dining room table

So now everything is stuffed into a cupboard :

Well actually there is also quite a lot of overspill all around the cupboard too. It is really annoying me that I can't find one sensible controlled storage system for my quilting. I am by nature an untidy person but even for me this is too much!
In fact this is not too traumatic as on Sunday I am going up to Cumbria for a few days as Yvonne at Morceau has kindly organised her teaching list so thatI can have a little sewing holiday. I plan to do dressmaking for most of the time then when I start flagging switch to some small fun projects. Like more storage bags perhaps.....
Finally - remember the button storage teaser I posed... which none of you answered. (Gee thanks, folks). Well I was waiting for a very long time indeed to go in and do a very simple matter before a Judge at Runcorn County Court. I and the other barrister had resorted from sheer boredom of lounging around the waiting room and reading gossip magazines and talking rubbish. I was still trying to work it out and my colleague was struggling too. The usher - who I hadn't realised was listening suddenly said,
"Easy. One inch diameter buttons need one inch square space. If they are one eight of an inch you get eight in a cubic inch. Eighty thousand buttons need 10,000 cubic inches. A cubic foot is 1728 inches ..." I frowned at that point. "Twelve by twelve by twelve." Oh yeah. "So you need 10,000 divided by 1728 to get your cubic feet. That's about 5.78 cubic feet."
Right. That's me told.
Trouble is I can't get in my head what 5.78 cubic feet looks like. So I emailed Rachelly Rogell whose quilts started all this off. She said it takes a whole wall.
So there. Now I think I should get on with some work!!


Helen said...

5.78 cubic feet? Okay, round it to 6 cubic feet to make it a little easier. 6 cubic feet is 6 feet long by 1 foot high by 1 foot deep. Or any other 3 number combination that multiplies to give 6. Like 3 feet long by 2 feet high by 1 foot deep OR 12 feet long by 1 foot high by 1/2 foot deep OR 12 feet long by 6 feet high by 1 inch deep etc...

does that help with the visualistion process?

Flibbertygibbet said...

I like the 'a whole wall' explanation better. Room for expansion.

English Rose said...

"Easy. One inch diameter buttons need one inch square space. If they are one eight of an inch you get eight in a cubic inch. Eighty thousand buttons need 10,000 cubic inches. A cubic foot is 1728 inches ..." I frowned at that point. "Twelve by twelve by twelve." Oh yeah. "So you need 10,000 divided by 1728 to get your cubic feet. That's about 5.78 cubic feet."
well that's sorted then!!! no wonder you didn't have too many answers, it was way beyond me for sure. but a wall full, now that I can relate to.